Turntable Basics
Ordered 60 dollars worth of parts, never recieved them and all of my emails and faxes went unanswered

Electronics and household app.

On November 6, i ordered two parts for my turntable, a drive belt costing 10.00 and a stylus needle costing 45.00 from turntablebasics.com. It had a paypal option at the payment section. I waited and waited and nothing. I sent an email to the address given. Still nothing. Sent my second email. Did not hear from that either. Sent a third and a fax. When i sent the fax it sounded like it was being inturrupted as if someone was trying to stop the recieving. Looked online for the phone number and found this page on google. Now im out 60 dollars and had to cancel my checking card and get a new one.

Company: Turntable Basics
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Address: 550 N Lexington Parkway
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Turntable Basics
Slow Delivery

Turntable basics
Turntable basic turntable belt on 1/02/12

Turntable Basics
Avoid Turntable Basics-They never deliver their product

Turntable Basics
WARNING: Purchased 1 Turntable Drive Belt 24.5" x. 200" x. 023", item not received, all subsequent emails ignored

Turntable Basics
Fraudulent selle

Turntable Basics
Turntable Basics - A Total Scam. Avoid Like The Plague!

Turntable Basics
Tim Delivery failed

Turntable basics
I ordered a turntable belt, paid imediately with paypal and never received item. Dont EVEN try emailing this jerk, he will just ignor everyone of them

TurnTable Basics
Turntable belt

Turntable Basics
Never delivers, no response to emails