- Sage Ryder
Big Screen - No merchandise delivered after a month bad customer service

Electronics and household app.

First off let me say i hate that I'm having to write this in the first place but hopefully can stop someone from making the same error as me. I really made a serious error in going with this company and subsequently read feedback before it was too late. I order a screen from before doing the research i had ordered electronics online previously without incident. I order a screen from Bigscreen back on september 13 and have yet to receive the merchandise. Like i've read on this website i ordered a screen and subsequently got the run around. First after about 5 days I called for a tracking number (as their webpage states will take 1-5 with ground my shipping of choice.) The representative told me no one had placed my order, I was like no harm no foul. I called back about a week later at the descretion of csr after about a 20 minute wait each time, when i called the second time after a promised email for tracking never came i asked again for a shipping number the rep on the phone was lost it seemed and asked to place me on hold after about ten minutes of hold he comes back and tells me they have an issue with the vendor. (From several people on line this is there scam line of choice) I was adament and called back this past week and was lold the equipment would ship oct 15th. Not truly upset i figure oh well it happens. I correspond again thru their live chat online during regular business hours and this takes longer than waiting on hold about 30-40 minutes. She promises to email back with some form of resolution i ask if she can look into again same speel with bad vendor. I say thanks and give up for a while i try again today and get good news that the issue with vendor has been resolved and ship again today, i ask for a ups number and that can't be given none yet generated. This one is still in the air as of right now but fyi during several customer service calls I requested a refund that will take 30 business days for a paper check. I figure i'll wait and give them one more shot this week if no tracking number will have to cancel. But please stay away from this company go with a larger company not one known to be chapter 11.

Company: - Sage Ryder
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Harlingen
Address: 999 N 20th St
Phone: 8003148955
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Sage-Ryder - Big Screen Center - Projector Lamp Center
Biggest rip offs! Scam artist! - Sage Ryder
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