Handicapped aid program greendot-handicap program takes your greenbacks. 174 w foothill blvd

Electronics and household app.

I thought this sounded to good to be true! Be aware... Phone is disconnected, email address does not work... I am not sure if I lucked out, or if I will get swindled as this all unfolded just today. I did fax my order as instructed. I have money sitting in a Greendot acct that they tell me I can not closed. At the time of this email the money is still in my account, If I am lucky at all this is the only thing that will happen. I have used greendot money cards before without incident and never dreamed this was a problem, until I faxed my order and I had a question about the shipping and came home to call and the phone was disconnected. I then and only then started to panic. I should have checked this out prior to this but as I said I have used the Greendot Money Pak before without incident. I thought because it was being advertised by Greendot and payable through Greendot there was not much to worry about. I hope some one puts a stop to companies like these... You just don't know who to trust anymore. I guess we have to sceptics with everyone, this is a shame.



Company: Greendot
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 174 W Foothill Blvd
Phone: 8004985640
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Greendot Corp
Took my money

Greendot Handicapped Aid Program
Sent a FAX for Laptop PC's and Notebooksrequesting payment by a Greendot MoneyPac

GreenDot Corporation
Consumer Report

Greendot Prepaid Credit Cards
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GreenDot Corporation
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Identity Theft/Fraud

GreenDot Corporation
Consumer Report

Green Dot Visa
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Greendot Money Pak
Consumer Report