Projector Export
Selling Refurbed Product as New - Rude Managers no customer service what so eve

Electronics and household app.

This "company" is the worst I have ever dealt with. They sell refurbed product as "new" and none of the staff can seem to give a straight answer. When I spoke to a "manager" he yelled at me and was very rude and basically called me a liar.

Everytime I have called this company I have waited on hold at LEAST 15 minutes for someone to answer the phone only to be put on hold again. I was told something shipped but I could not be given a tracking number. Tehn when I got a tracking number Fed Ex said they did not show it in their system.

I work in customer service and this is the saddest excuse for a "company" of any kind.

Company: Projector Export
Country: USA
Phone: 8668073372
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