Is a Crook Hang Out

Electronics and household app.

The website www.qth.com owned by KA9FOX Mr Scott Neader. Is running a web site On the format as E-BAY, But with no restraints. It is nothing more than a place for theives Scammers, extortionist o hang out.

My call sign was stolen and used to buy and sell on this site Myself and other hams here in Canada and the US have reported this to Consumer affairs. Myself and 4 other Ham Radio Operators. Had been taken in by the crooks that reside there.

We purchased several radios and related equipment for persons on this site. We never got our equipment. Total prices of the purchases were $ 4,100. We tried e-mail after e-mail. Their phone number was changed We took a trip from Toronto to Pennsylvania to confront this person. We knocked on his door he answered and we were told that. The radios were shipped. This had been 3 weeks before. We requested or money. He told us he would repay it. That he did not have it at the moment. And promised to get it for us. We have never gotten it to this day.

One of our other friends Complained to a person he had bought a radio from on the web site. And When he got the radio It did not even work. And my friend posted he wanted his money back for the piece of junk. But the guy selling the junk radio said he never got the money for it. And would not refund his money. The guy that sold the radio said he never got his money for the radio and trashed my friend by posting lies about him. I know he got it because he had the canceled check to prove it.

Later on he was confronted by a different person unknown, Saying if he did not send him money $1,350 that they would post he was a thief on the web page. This is extortion, plain and simple. Trying to get money for nothing. Extortion. Since this other guy had already posted something bad. He was using that as was a way to use the already bad post about him so it made my fiend look like he was the liar. All Just because he was trying to get his money back for the piece of junk radio he had bought on that website.

In my case my call sign was stolen from this Web site. Www.qth.com This guy from Ohio sold a bunch of equipment using my call sign but the hams never got them and the heat fell on me. I did not even know what happen until I had gotten an e-mail from a friend telling me what was going on. He used my call sign and forwarded my mail to a fake PO box he had set up. So of course they thought it was me.

Well we started tracking everything and there were two people doing this. One in Vermont and the other in Pennsylvania. And several others. The guy in Vermont was arrested and charged with 20 counts of internet of fraud. We are going after the rest. People are being destroyed by this criminal hang out.innocent Hams / Armature Radio operators are being victims. Peoples call signs to steer clear of. Thieves scammers, extortionist Just plain out crooks. Ki4mrs, wbvmr, vw6z, k4icl, ae4sh. K5qe. Nz4q
Ka2vbt, n5wrx, kokcc. Kc8ycs, n4ats, wbovhw this is the one my friend dealt with here is the post from
Our encounters with him N2RNL He IS A SCAMMER, CROOK and EXTORTION Lancaster PA

Posts: 8 Posted: Post subject: N2RNL Paul Lionardo - BEWARE
My name is Serge UT5JCW
I has bought in US about 130 radio in last year and never see such swindler a seller.
His name N2RNL Paul lionardo.
I has bought from this guy TS-440S radio. As it has reported - " It in good cosmetic condition and works 100%..."
He has got MO during 5 days and did not send me radio during three weeks.
Then he has sent it to me. But he send me NOT WORKED radio with damaged PLL unit.
On my request about refund a repair cost he say: " the radio worked 100% when it left my house
whatever happened after it leaves my house i don't control ".

If you do not want to lose your money - never nothing do not buy from this


Joined: 13
Posts: 5
Location: Tallahassee FL Posted: Post subject: N2RNL just the facts
N2RNL, I am only 1 for 3. Here are the facts:

I bought three items from Paul. Two items were purchased at the same time and shipped together. Items arrived promptly but an advertised manual for one of the items was not included. No problems with either item other than the missing manual.

After an email exchange the missing manual was promised to be sent.in the meantime, since I was satisfied with the first two items and took him at his word that he would send the missing manual, a 3rd item was purchased.in our emails it developed that the promised missing manual had never been mailed. Paul promised to include it with the third item. The third item arrived promptly also, but without the promised missing manual from the first shipment.

The third item I bought from him was not in working condition. My email about this and the still missing manual was not returned. I concluded that Paul was not interested in making any of this right. So in spite of his on the money pricing and quick shipping, he is not someone I will buy from again.

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Concerned Ham, Shut Down www.qth.com N2RNL YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A CROOK!!!

TORONTO ON M5M 2B9, Quebec

Company: QTH.com
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
Address: N1774 Meadow Ridge Rd
  <     >  


Qth.com, qh.com, N2RNL
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