Venicom, Inc
Rebate Ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I purchased a cell phone August. I followed all instructions and sent for my $50 rebate in January. I have still not received the rebate. I have called 3 times and am told it will be here soon.

Company: Venicom, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Carlos
Address: 1493 Alameda
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Venicom Inc
Venicom never paid the mail-in rebate promised at the time of purchase Internet

Customer Loyalty Rebate, Cingular
The company will not acknowlege my cingular cell phone rebate, even with proof that I sent it in. Ripoff Internet

AT&T SBC Rebate Department
Rebate ripoff has not paid rebate as advertised

IPI Wireless - Wireless World
Cell Phone rebate Scam ripoff -
Rebate ripoff decline $30 rebate
Rebate ripoff Ripped me off of $150 rebate Everytime I call they put me back in the system only to take me out in a few weeks since January

Western Wireless Rebates - young america
Ripoff did not send rebate for cell phones totaling $100.00 sent off 5 months ago and still havent got my rebate

Equipment Mail-in Rebate - Wirefly - Cingular
Wirefly cellphone rebate cingular cellphone motorola c139 sent in rebate 2/22 bought phone in november ripoff

Rebate Offer for Motherboards Rebate Ripoff

Fail to pay a $150.00 rebate. Only excuses they offer me