Federal Government
Rigging polls and elections

Electronics and household app.

National polls are being tampered with. Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards have not only promised health care for all but when asked how they planned to pay for it, both said would roll back tax cuts for the very rich. At that moment they posed a real threat to the greediest of corporate special interests. So, the cons selected Hillary for us.

How do they do this. It is becoming increasingly clear that this Administration regularly abuses their tech powers invading our privacy at will. The polling companies enter their findings into computers, computers with modems that can be easily entered by federal high tech types.

How can we know this? I know of a couple ways. Thom Hartmann, radio talk show host, has conducted fast pace straw polls asking that people call in quickly saying who they are, where they are and who they plan to vote fore in primary. Each time Kucinich and Edwards beat Hillary 20 to 1. There is no computer involved in his straw polls. Perhaps a much less reliable straw poll is ongoing at www.620kpoj.com That site also can be tampered with but if you visit it you may still find Dennis Kucinich well in the lead.

I believe that we have the worst of criminals in our White House and I believe they are there because they cheat. I believe they are planning to do so again. If you are planning to vote for Kucinich or Edwards, as most Democratic voters plan to do, and if the con techs flip enough votes to deliver for Hillary Clinton, what might we then do? We can call for investigations but the machines are designed to hide what went on. We can compare the results in districts with no voting machines to those with machines. That might produce some real evidence but we have come up with a better plan: In the general election all must request an absentee ballot and even if the choice the con techs made for are Hillary and say perhaps Juliani, we can still get the word out to all; We can write in who we really want and we can do so in the millions. Lets get the word out to all that we can.

Company: Federal Government
Country: USA
State: Washington DC
City: Nation Wide
Address: Washington D. C
Phone: 8662200044
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