Bombay Electronics
Ripoff passing off used bad merchandise and pulling bait and switch Chicago

Electronics and household app.

I placed an order for a Motorola P7389 GSM Tri-band mobile telephone. The phone is compatible with my USA service, but also allows you to use it anywhere in the world. I used to own this phone, but it was stolen a few weeks ago. However, I am familiar with what it is supposed to look like and how it should operate.

I received the package - a box that was cut-down and made to fit (poorly) the merchandise. The packaging was poor and I felt I was lucky I received it in one piece. I opened the package and looked at the Motorola box inside. It was not a box for the P7389. A black marker had been used to strike over the model number on the box. I opened the box and inside was a green metallic phone with a fake "motorola" decal at the bottom. My old phone had "WAP" in the space below. I inserted in the battery and my SIM chip in the phone and plugged the phone in the wall. The battery was charged. There was no plastic cover on the faceplate.

I accessed the phone menu and went to the Network prompt. The menu was not the same as my old phone. Also, I noticed that there were Asian characters on the key pads just below the english letters on each button. I was feeling ripped-off already, but thought I would give it the benefit of the doubt.

I had accessed the Network prompt and was looking for the "1900" band option - the band REQUIRED for use in the USA. It had only two bands (900 and 1800).

I called my cell provider and they tried to assist me with the phone. After that I called Bombay. They said we will call you back. I called Motorola and they advised me after a few minutes that the phone I had purchased was for use outside the USA and not in the USA. I got a call back from Bombay and told them that I called Motorola. They said well we can send you a V60 model... Its a better phone. I said that I wanted the phone I ordered... Not the V60. They said they didn't have my phone model. Then they said of course I would have to pay the difference for the V60 model. At this point I was livid, but decided to not get upset on the phone. I felt like I could do much more good by staying cool and contacting everyone and anyone that will listen about how BAD this company is.

So, now I am left with mailing this back to the company. I will cross my fingers that I get either my $104 back or some other form of restitution. Meanwhile. I am stuck without a mobile phone for yet another week.

I just want my money back. Bombay really crossed the line when they told me it wasn't their fault that the dealer they used had given them a bad phone. I couldn't believe it. Don't buy from this company... Unless you want to get cheated.

Jersey City, New Jersey

Company: Bombay Electronics
Country: USA
Address: 2514 W. Devon Ave
Phone: 7737618175
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