Chase Manhattan - Circuit City Plasma Purchase
Suckered by the 18 month no interest to find deceptive practices Ripoff

Electronics and household app.

We bought out plasma from Circuit City March with the 18 month interest free promotion. We did NOT sign up for any INSURANCE with this credit account with Chase, we never purchase that stuff. It is a rip off. I have all of my papers from that purchase and it shows that we did NOT initial that we wanted this. All though they should have had it where we would have had to initial either way and mark a yes/no. Because someone could easily put my initials in that empty box, if I did not have a copy in my possession. I've not looked at my bills for a while, but not long ago noticed that I was being charged for insurance, when I called they said that I opted for the insurance and I said no. I went to Circuit City manager at the store and he found my papers and agreed that I did NOT purchase this. He had it removed, so I thought. Today I realized that he had it removed for Dec forward and that from March to Dec we were billed this and that all of our payments were going for the interest free balance and that we have a continual balance of all of these insurance charges, for which we are charged $3.62 per month on. They say they will mail me the papers where I opted for this... That will be interesting to see.

I feel this is very deceptive and yes I should have noticed this on my first bill, but I do not usually look that close. I do recall calling a place in the past about something like this and was told that the bills will always show finance charges, etc... But when we pay off our stuff... They will waive all of those charges - hmmm that sounds very phony to me.

I do not know what is going on, because I have so much faith in big business and expecially financial type corporations like Circuit City and like Chase. I'm really appauled and in dismay over this. I'm going to continue to make them prove this to me and if for some reason they come up with something I signed, then I can assure you that it was fine print or something confusing, because I would have NEVER knowingly purchased this crap. I do plan on pissing them off by filling complaints and bad mouthing them as much as possible... Only because they deserve it.

Company: Chase Manhattan - Circuit City Plasma Purchase
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jakcsonville
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