The Camera Pros
Bait & Switch ripoff New York

Electronics and household app.

Company offers low price for a camcorder, but it turns out that the camera is not the retail box, which would include, for example, the battery, but instead is a stripped down version that includes just the camcorder. The advertised price is lower than you see elsewhere on the web, but that's because the product they are selling is not the same as what you see elsewhere.

If you compare the same camcorder on, for example, Amazon, the price on Amazon will be higher. But, Amazon is selling the standard retail boxed camera you could pick up in any store. The Camera Pros is not selling the standard retail box, but is instead selling a stripped down version. But, they don't tell you that on their website and they get picked up on the shopping bots as if it is the same product.

When you place an order online, you get an email stating that you have to call in to confirm your order within 48 hours. When you call in, you get a sales pitch to upgrade. Then you find out that your camcorder does not include a battery, a strap, etc. Unless you upgrade to the "retail" version at a higher cost.

Company: The Camera Pros
Country: USA
State: New York
Phone: 8004960227
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