Dimosol, Digital Mobile Solutions
No Integrity, lied about refunding me my money Atlanta, Georgia

Electronics and household app.

Hi There:)

Thank you for your response and I hope that you please can help me or send me in the right direction. I am at my wits end and I don't know where else I can go to get help and I think the company that I bought the laptop form is aware of this and is playing games with me. All I want is my money back and to just end this nightmare. Also I am losing faith in Ebay cause I am not getting any help and this company just keeps getting away with lying and not sending the refund.

I bought a laptop off of ebay in November and when I received it, it did not work. I would not hold its charge. So I asked a friend and they said that that was not good and there could be a number of things wrong with it. I also showed my Mom and Sister and plugged it in overnight by then it should of charged. It did not. I emailed Dimosol and said I want a refund because this should have been working and that I was not sure what was wrong and if I sent it back and got it back it would have had the same problem, pluse all the shipping and duty charges.

They asked what was wrong and that give them a chance but again there was the shipping, taxes and what if its not working again problems. So I said I would just like a refund. I shipped it back and then asked for my money. They said the sent it to me. But after bugging them and bugging them and calling and leaving messages I was not getting anywhere. Finally I got a response. I have atached all the emails that I kept with the responses what was said. Finally they said that the cheque has been mailed and that I should be getting it. I waited and two months later no cheque and numberous emails again no response finally the responded and said the cheque was cashed. Funny I never received no cheque to cash and I asked where the proof of it being sent etc. I can prove I never received anything. No, US cheque was ever cashed to my bank account.

Is this the game they play that they send the cheque and oh look you cashed it no proof guess we sent it. Sorry I don't work that way. And if you want I will get my bank to write you a letter saying that no monies were ever cashed with that amount. I think this is what this company does and that they think there is no proof. I'm sorry but fraud is not a good thing. All I want is my money refunded and then I will leave them alone. I thought they were a fair company and had integruty but I guess not. The only time the responded finally is when I sent them an email from a friends email address.

The funny thing is when you buy something from ebay you can put a response about the company. For some reason I did not have that option can you please tell me why? I am thinking I am going to the Better Business Bureau maybe they can help. I'm sorry but I don't know what else to do. I might have to call the sherriffs office maybe in Atlanta. Please help me get my refund back and also to get the word out what a horrible company these people are to deal with. I have never had these problems on ebay before and am losing faith in ebay because of it.

Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Response from dimosol

Dimosol (2227)
Positive feedback:. 1%
Member since: 08-Dec-99
Location: GA, United States
Registered on: ebay.com

Item: dell laptop latitude d600 centrino dvd/cdrw wifi 512 (320046532465)

This message was sent after the listing closed.
Dimosol is the Seller.

Sure we can ship to another address, but we do not take western union. You can send a $ order, wire to our bank account, or send a money order. Thanks

Item number: 320046532465
Payment Method: US Postal Service Money Order
Date of Payment: 12/18/06
Dispute Resolution: Yes - Other (specify below)
Seller Contact: Yes, But the issue is unresolved

Customer concern: I have been trying to fill out the dispute service but for some reason it is not letting me past the item number the item number I have is
320046532465 I received the item but it was not working. I sent it back and asked for a refund they told me nothing was wrong with it. I took it here to a
freind that knows computers and said he was not sure what was wrong and that I should send it back. Dimosol said they will refund me. As of todays date they have not refunded my money and are not answering back my emails. I am worried that I lost the money. Can you please help?

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you

Got it to go through today. It will ship tomorrow. I put down return goods, so maybe you can avoid the taxes. Thanks
Original Message
From: "
To: info@dimosol.com
Subject: RE: computer shipping.
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 11:05: 53 -0700

Please let me know if you have any further problems. My phone number is

Have a great one and please let me know the tracking number.

Thank you again

What is the problem with it? It worked fine here, you need to give us a chance to see what is up with it.
Original Message
From: "
To: info@dimosol.com
Subject: RE: Your DIMOSOL Purchase.
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 11:24: 42 -0700


I just called Dell about this computer why its not working and they said it could be a number of things. I am shipping it back and I would like afull refund. I bought a new one through dell. I am shipping it back
tomorrow via Fed Ex collect I paid for shipping when it came to me so I think it only right that you pick up the shipping it back. Please let me know when I can expect my refund of 358.00 USD. Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you

THe check was mailed to you. Thanks
Original Message
From: "
To: info@dimosol.com
Subject: RE: Your account with DIMOSOL
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 08:32: 56 -0700

Hi there:)

Can you please let me know when to expect my refund for the laptop of $413.00 usd account number 1893797. I hope to clear this matter up soon. Can you email me back and let me know if its been sent already. Thank you for your immediate attention in this matter. I look forward to
hearing from you.

I will have to put a stop payment on it and issue another one. Thanks
Original Message
From: "com
To: info@dimosol.com
Subject: RE: Your account with DIMOSOL
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 07:26: 55 -0700

Hi There:)

As of todays date Feb. 19th I still have not received the check. Can you please tell me when it was mailed? Also it does not take two weeks to get to Canada. It might have been lost. Can you please cancel that one
and resent one. I would really like to get this matter cleared up its been three months. Your immediate attention in this matter would be appreciated.

Thank you

OK, Bottom line here are you ever going to send me back my money or are you going to keep playing these stupid games. Don't worry no matter what I will get my money back even if I have to ebay, FBI and the police in your city for theft. I have all the paperwork that I shipped you back the laptop AND proof you did not send me money of any kind cause I have bank statements that prove that I did not receive any US cheque from you. So, lets stop playing these games and just refund my money in US and then we can stop these games this is almost a year and I have kept all my emails and phone bills that I called you so I am giving you till the end of next week and then I am phoning the police in your area to investigate.

From: info@dimosol.com
To: "Subject: Re:
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 11:44: 35 -0500

I am not lying and yes I am waiting for the check. O
— Original Message
From: "
To: info@dimosol.com
Subject: Re:
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 20:46: 39 -0500

The response of how you don't get back to people basically
hiding... You are lying cause there was never a check sent and if it was it was NOT to me... And I hope you have better communication with me until I receive my money. AND it does not take 3 months to get a response from the bank. Call me stupid. But I know how these things work because I worked for a bank. So quit lying and refund my money and you will never hear from me
again. And you can keep your good name..

From: info@dimosol.com
To: "Ma
Subject: Re:
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 10:58: 03 -0400
What repsonse on ebay about hiding? I sent you a check, I have since found out it was cashed. I am waiting for my bank to get me a copy of it from the bank in Canada to see who cashed it. Sending me 50s e-mails is not going to help this situation.
— Original Message
From: "
To: info@dimosol.com
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 23:36: 31 -0500

i'm still waiting where is my refund..??? I am reporting you to ebay and the fbi for fraud and stealing pay me my money. I want it couriered asap. I have read about you on the ebay response how you are hiding. Pay me my money and i will leave you alone. $413.00
usd. You have my address.

Edmonton, Alberta

Company: Dimosol, Digital Mobile Solutions
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: info@dimosol.com
  <     >  


Placed an order with Dimosol for one Dell LattitudeD600 Computer-Laptop case-WIFI Card Though pay-pal Dimosol stole my money

DIGITAL MOBILE SOLUTIONS Failure to refund returned / cancelled purchases

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Dimosol - Digital Mobile Solutions
1/2 of order recieved, no response from email or phone calls to resolve

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