Olympus Imaging America
Rebate Scam-E-Volt 500 Kit

Electronics and household app.

Purchased an Olympus E-500 Kit (camera 2 lenses) with a $100 rebate offer and a 50mm macro lens with a $ 50 rebate offer. Sent in all necessary UPC codes, forms, etc. Before Aug 31, '06 shich was the postmark deadline.

Called rebate center at: 877-580-4619,1505hrs, on 12/13/06 and spoke with Jim, (cust svc) who stated there was no record of my sending anything! Then asked to speak to his supervisor - Sal, who offered no solution.
Then spoke to his manager-Jose, employee ID # ES0088 who also stated the offer had expired and could not help.

The rebate offer, totaling $150, was a major reason to buy an Olympus SLR versus a Canon or a Nikon.

Company: Olympus Imaging America
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Center Valley
Address: 3500 Corporate Parkway
Phone: 8885534448
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