Rebate ripoff, two refunds of $75.00 each washington

Electronics and household app.

Six months after purchase, we were told to send in for TWO rebates of $75.00 each. Proper info was sent to them in Jan."06 receipt was acknowledged in Feb. And that it was being directed for approval which would take 4 to 6 May, we were old that both had been approved and the checks were being sent (even gave the check numbers (3669344/3663056).in July, we asked where were the checks and were told they had sent them to an old address and would reissue, but would take another 4 to 6 weeks.

On Sept. 9, talked with a Mrs. Emp, dirrect who said we would get the checks within 3 weeks. Five days later we received a letter from Wireless Rebate Processing, saying our claim was invalid.

We have just filed an investigation report with the Florida Attorney General and will push against this company as long as it takes

Company: Inphonics
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
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Inphonic, Wirefly
1 YEAR later and STILL no rebate checks! No help to be found, only excuses! District of Columbia

Wirefly, Liberty, IPI Wireless, Cashback Stores Fraudulent Rebate Scam... Switches Rebate Center Address Nationwide

Inphonic Cell Phone Rebate Center
Ripoff! Beware-processing time has no end-will not comply

Rebate Checks Have Not Come Yet, 8 Months Later rebate checks have not arrived

In Phonic
Wireless Rebate RipOff My 250 $ in phonic scam wirefly rebates

In-Phonic - rebate ripoff Will not honor rebate after 2 approvals


InPhonics, CellularChoices, T-Mobile
InPhonics,, T-Mobile ripoff scam artists, will not send rebate Nationwide

Soyo Verifyrebates
Giving me the ripoff rebate runaround. Claims to have sent checks-no checks recieved! (21 weeks so far)

Inphonic Rebate Center
Inphonic rebate ripoff center fraudulently ripped me off via $300.00 in rebates