Ebay music merchandise ripoff artist, sells, gets paid, but doesn't ship or refund

Electronics and household app.

I purchased and paid for a set of sound disks for an electronic keyboard in late April via eBay. Waited... Waited... Made several email contacts and was informed I should receive my item "at any time." By this time it was late June.

Well apparently "any time" means that literally to this guy. Today, next month, next year... It is now mid-Sept and he is totally incommunicado. He is an eBay power seller; er, WAS one, as he is no longer a member. Hmmm, wonder why?

Significantly, I am not the only one who has had this problem with him. More than a half dozen negative feedback comments were left for him by others in the past six months, all with the same problem. Oh, and if you leave him negative feedback, he gets pissy and usually leaves you negative feedback right back.

Fortunately, I'm only out $17.49, which is below the $25 minimum needed for PayPal basic buyer protection.

Company: HardSoundz
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Seattle
Address: 4742 42nd Ave SW, #527
Phone: 2069844945
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Ebay.com Ripoff misleading ads difficult to understand directions wrong instructions San Jose California

Yves Gray, Luckydragon999
Ripoff Internet Ebay

Ebay allows non-paying bidders to leave negative feedback RIPOFF

Stylesthatareamazing - Compulsivechicago - Fervorfashions - Ebay
Tried to ripoff, leaves negative ebay feedback in retaliation when consumers report her

Feedback is rigged to keep seller feedback high

Sheby Bucy
Ripoff mistreated and ripped off

EBay, Edsbonebed
EBay & Their Feedback System & Edsbonebed ebay's new feedback system, edsbonebed

EBay / Fidel Trejo
Bad eBay member!

New feedback system sucks

Ripoff Negative feedback farce