Echostar - Dish Network
Ripoff and absolutely the worst customer service ever! Won't honor contracts

Electronics and household app.

In September I contracted for and had installed Dish Network High Definition TV. The picture never was in High Def even though I could receive certain channels that were supposedly in HD. I believed the trouble might be with my television and I would fix that when I had the time.

I disassembled my home theater (no small feat) to find the problem and discovered Dish Network's crack installer had connected the HD receiver outputs to my TV's standard inputs.

After that problem was rectified I still had no HDTV. I discovered the installer had never programmed the receiver to accept HD programming, so I fixed the programming issue.

Yep, you guessed it! I still had no HDTV so I called Echostar, AKA Dish Network. I think the reason for the two names is to confuse people who know one or the other totally sucks. I was informed that the installer had never started my HD programming despite the fact that the dealer, Echostar and I each had a signed contract specifying HDTV.

I asked them to start it up but they told me I would need to buy a new receiver and sign up for 18 more months of their BS and pay twice as much for programming. I asked if everyone who had HD when I signed up had to change and pay more and was told no, that they still had the original programming at the original price.

Then the THIEF told me he would make me a "special" offer because of the trouble. I could buy the new equipment at only $49.95, sign the new contract and begin to get the HD programming I initially contracted for. I checked their website and found that EVERYBODY got that offer. Man, I hate being lied to.

When I declined their "special" offer they told me I could pay the additional price for the new programming, exactly twice as much as our contract stated, but only get the lesser number of channels of the original contract! Under no circumstances would they do anything to make up for their errors. They told me I was responsible because I didn't b*h soon enough.

I just want what I contracted and paid for. Hopefully because I have the signed contract and they never supplied the agreed upon service I can prove breach of contract in court.

Please avoid the troubles I've experienced. Google Dish Network's and Echostar's terrible customer service to see for yourself. They obviously count on getting new customers because with service like that they MUST be hemorhaging existing customers!

Company: Echostar - Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Littleton
Address: 5701 S. Santa Fe Drive
Phone: 8003333474
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Dish Network
No customer service

Echostar - Dish Network
Ripoff just give me what i paid for

DISH TV - EchoStar - AT&T
Dish TV: Bait & Switch. Contracted Services No longer delivered

Dish Network, Echostar
Fraud, Improper Billing, Lousy Customer Service, Did Not Deliver Sevices Paid For and Refuse to Refund

Dish Network, Echostar Copr
Ripoff on hd equipment

Dish Network
Dish Network channel

Dish Network
Do not get Dish Network HD programming unless you are prepared to be disappointed and cheated out of your money!

Dish Network EchoStar
Dish Network Equipment Lease Fee's

Dish Network
Poor service

Dish Network
Dish network is a rip off from the start