Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff - taken money out of checking account ripoff

Electronics and household app.

Like everyone else, I thought it was a charge card. NO money-back guarantee, busy signal all the time and they went into my checking account and took an additional $139.00 (after I sent them the $39.00 one time fee)! I just wish I knew this already. ThomasClinton, Connecticut

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25th Street
Phone: 8008749164
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Consumer Credit ripoff. Told me I was garanteed $5,000 for a credit card consumer rip-off fraud

Capitol Choice Consumer Credit
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Capital choice consumer credit
Bullshit credit company Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripoff

Capital choise consumer credit
Capital choice consumer credit capital choice consumer credit ripoff abused & mistreated ripoff off consumer fraud ripoff

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff deceptive company dishonest fraud business

Capital Choice consumer Credit
Capital CHoice sucks

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripped me off, i want my money back!