OnRebate.com ULTRA Products Fry's Electronics
Ripoff, rebate denied for frivolous reason

Electronics and household app.

I purchased a new Ultra Products Computer case from Fry's Electronics in Austin on 09/02, advertised with a $50.00 rebate, I did not need this item but thought this was a great deal and could use the case in the future.

I never would have made this purchase had it not been for the REBATE offered.

The purchases made that day at Fry's were placed on my wifes credit card and her name appears on the Fry's receipt.

Since I claimed the rebate in my name (same last name as receipt but different first name) OnRebate denied my rebate due to conflicting information.

Nowhere on the rebate form from Onrebate.com or the one supplied to me by Fry's states that the name on the receipt must match the one on the rebate form, and why should this matter? All they requested was the rebate form, original UPC/Barcode Label and a copy of the original invoice, and that all items be submitted by 10/02.

I made the purchase, followed all their requirements and now they make up some new and stupid reason to deny my rebate.

They need to honor their advertisment! This is a load of BULLSHIT! Just because MY Name is not the one on the sales receipt does not make me ineligable to recieve the rebate, if I had made the purchase with cash would the rebate have to be claimed in the name of cash in order to qualify?

I doubt that I will ever purchase another Ultra Product if this is how they are going to conduct business. They should not offer a rebate on a product, if they don't intend to honor them!

I intened to notify Ultra Products of how I am being treated by the company they choose to process rebates for them.

Company: OnRebate.com ULTRA Products Fry's Electronics
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: PO BOX 440519
Phone: 8663109702
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