Cingular Wireless

Electronics and household app.

Provided no service and still going after me for payment. Trying to ruin my credit and make me pay them money for no service. For such a small amount too, only $200.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Cingular Wireless
Ripoff Multiple Cities

Cingular Wireless
Rude, money hungary, took over my wireless company and thinks I am contracted with them, will ruin my credit if i don't pay nationwide

Cingular Celluar

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Ripoff won't replace or upgrade broken phone. I am required to sign up new service with Cingular?

Cingular Wireless Service
Contract Termination Rip-Off

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Ripoff fraudulant selling service not available and not responding

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff after account agreement was honored, company continues to send bills Maryville

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff Nationwide

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff customer service fraud lies deceit deceptive company

Wireless ripoff debited three payments and caused returned check fees Tampa