Cingular Wireless
Ripoff fraudlent advertising and billing and lies by representatives

Electronics and household app.

In Early May I saw an add in the Sunday edition of the Reading Eagle from Reading Pennsylvania with a deal from Cinguler that looked good. I called the toll free number and got some Ditzey female who gave me the sales pitch and it sounded good. I asked if I could still keep the plan I had with AT&T. And she assured me price wise I could and I asked was it infact a NationWide Plan that I could call from anywhere and not be charged roaming. She insured me in was infact that way. I was advised when the phones arrived (x2) they would be ready to use after calling the toll free number to activate. I was never told that their was an $18.00 per phone upgrade a few days the phones arrived and I sent as directed our old phones to Cingular in the packaging provided. The last thing I asked was this going to be a Camera Phone? I was assured it was, when I recieved it it was not. So I was lied to this.

I attempted several times in the next three to four days to activate my account. We travled to D.C. And still could not activate. I stopped at a Cingular Store and the young lady attempted to assist but upon calling Cingular Headquarters she was told she could not because the phones were not purchased in that Marketing Area. Now I thought this was a Nationwide Company??? That would be like Having a Chevy break down and taking it to a Chevy garage where you are and them refusing to help because you didn't buy it from that dealership.

So after calling the 800 help number and spending hours listening to recordings, I finally reached a tec. Who took my information and remotely was able to activate one of the phones within the next 12hours. Still one to go that we descovered was finally activated on our way home.
On Monday the 13th of June I turned on my phone and recieved a voice mail stating that if I didn't pay $38.00 immediatly my service would be cut off. Now I never recieved any bill or notice prior to this.

When we called them I was told Oh this had to be paid, when I told the female I never recieved a bill in the mail she ignored this and insisted I still had to pay. NOW, I don't know about anyone else but I don't pay because I get a phone message and nothing in black and white as required by law. I am going to contact our Attorney General's Office here in Penna. The Office of Consumer Protection and a local T.V. Consumer Reporter as well.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim
Address: P.O. Box 68055
Phone: 8008887600
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