Cold Heat Soldering Iron
Fraudulent order generation, billing and refunding Ripoff

Electronics and household app.

Cold Heat used my credit card information to generate a second order, with out my acknowledgment. I only became aware of this order after checking my account on-line.

They could not, and would not confirm how the order was placed. I was instructed to return the order after I received it. I was also told that there was a 7-10 day waiting period after they received the order, to credit my account.

On the 10th day, I was instructed that it takes 4-6 weeks to credit an account after the returned order is received.

If they do this to enough people, the interest that could be made is substantial. They will have had my money for 3 months.

If I had placed the order, I would take my lumps, and move on.

But I never placed the second order.

Company: Cold Heat Soldering Iron
Country: USA
State: California
City: Valencia
Address: 28220 Industry Road
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I Want To Return An Order For A Refund. Can't Contact Anyone
Consumer Report

Safe Trust Processing

Bender Ball
Beware! Unauthorized charge

Hampton Naturals LTD
Consumer Report

Billing. md
Ripoff Billed my credit card, but no product ever received

Ripoff tries to generate order when none actually placed

The company has yet to fulfill an order placed over 5 months ago,,
Ripoff first order cancelled by them, no credit to my credit card, second order still pending, no response to phone or e-mail and no credit to credit card after 10 days

Billing MD
Charged credit card and never delivered ordered Will not refund my money Ripoff

Simonize fix it
Scammed me