Expan Inc
Audiofile 830 LR Van - Scam by., SUCK. Lol

Electronics and household app.

I was stopped at a light and 2 guys pull up next to me and ask if I needed speakers. Having just been to an audio store, I said sure I'll take a look. Well once we pulled over, they were very friendly and explained how they were oversupplied for a job they were doing. They show me an ad in some cheap magazine boasting a price of 649 / speaker. Said they give me 2 for 600.
Well what a paid doesn't matter.:/ Point is they stated these speakers are superior to Bose. I get these POS home and they hum and sound quality sucks. Called the number on receipt and no on answer. Duh! Their Van-Scam license is 65K-674 Maryland tags.
I know I've been ripped out. Oh well, an expensive lessson.

charlottesville, Virginia

Company: Expan Inc
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Gaithersburg
Address: 7800 Airpark Rd
Phone: 3019875769
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Expan, Inc. speakers
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