MCI Worldcom Wireless
Stay Away From

Electronics and household app.

I received a Worldom Wireless phone in October but it was an analog phone and I immediately sent it back using a mailing label provided by Worldcom Wireless. I never used the phone. I was reassured that I would not be billed. I had to email customer service after I received a noticed saying I owed $153.91 because I could not get through on the customer service line.

The service reps emailed back saying not to worry — I owed nothing.

But now, January I am being pursued by a debt collecting company called Progressive in AZ for the $153.91. I'm asking them to send me a copy of the contract I signed with my signature. I can't believe I really have to pay $153.91 for a phone I did not make one call on. If I do end up having to pay to protect my credit rating I will have learned a hard lesson about contracts.
Not Happy

Company: MCI Worldcom Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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MCI Worldcom Wireless Company
Ripoff business from hell

WorldCom Wireless aka MCi
Even MCi WorldCom employess have difficulties with WorldCom Wireless

Worldcom Wireless
MCi Exposed for who they are

MCI Wolrdcom Wireless
MCI Worldcom rip-off

Mci Worldcom Wireless
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

MCi Worldcom Wireless
MCi Worldcom wireless ripped me off!

MCi WorldCom Wireless

Mci worldcom wireless
MCI Worldcom Wireless ripoff bad service

Worldcom Wireless, Inc
Worldcom wireless ripoff fradulent billing michigan

Mci Worldcom Wireless
A.K. A worldcom useless