Time Warner Cable
Time Warner Fraud

Electronics and household app.

Time Warner increased my bill by $100/mo, for my phone/internet/cable, because I called to have an appointment with Rival Verizon. Verizon registered the appointment unbeknowst to me, even though I did not authorize that I was switching or ready for any installation or change in service. I did not chose to go with Verizon because my apt would not accept the wiring. I was socked by TW for having that apppointment with a new monthly fee of $275 dollars/mo., (my monthly is was $162, already way above the promo offers.) even though I never alerted them or cancelled services. My bill or internet account did not reflect or register why changes in pricing occurred. When I called they said it was because I had called Verizon, and they believed that I was about to cancel my service, so they cancelled it and I lost my previous 'pricing' When I said I never authorized or cancelled, they arrogantly said they still had the right to do that even tho 'It was a mistake' and it is legal for them to use information from Verizon's system. Then they harrassed me with phone calls about late payment, even though I could not get through to customer service lines to find out what this was about. Then, I asked if I could could cancel the phone portion of my Triple Play, and they refused unless I paid huge surchages. Ie I no longer use the phone, but if I cancel the phone portion my bill goes UP!!! Ditto for TV or internet. So I must continue to pay a pay this large fixed fee, OR pay astronomical fees for single services. I am buying services with RANDOM and EXTORTIONARY pricing methods — plus bullying on the phone.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Site: timewarnercable.com
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