Toys R Us
Toys R Us - clerks refuse to help - help other customers but not me due to being over 50

Electronics and household app.

Toys R Us clerks show age discrimination toward customers - I went to the black thrusday sale on 11/22 - I as the 5th in line - the camcorder wasn't marked on sale per the door buster price and it didn't match the description so I didn't know if it was the right one - needed the one in the add - the door buster one for half off - I asked four reps each time they started to help me and another customer asked them something and they stopped helping me and just started helping them - they ignored and refused assistance due to my age of over 50. One clerk told me if the item is not on the floor then they don't have it. I told her - it's a door buster - why are you advertising a door buster when you don't have it - that's illegal — she just and another employee just laughed at me. I took the camcorder that looked closest to the add and it turned out that was it after all - so I got the deal I stood in line for three hours for - with no help to the pricing in the store or any of the clerks who will not help people over 50 and therefore I will never shop there again

Company: Toys R Us
Country: USA
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