Stroll unwanted speech material sent

Education & Science

I saw an advertisement about a $9.99 Spanish languish disk. I ordered it and a while after I got it I got an 8 disk lesson. I just threw it on the shelf as I had not ordered it. The next month I had a $64 charge on my credit card that I had used to get the $9.99 program. I then called in to Pimsleur and they said by not sending the program back in 30 days I accepted it. I said I did not want it but they told me the second installment was on its way and gave me a return authorization to send it back and would cancel any more. The next month I got another $64 dollar charge on my account. I called in and explained that I did not want the program and was contacting the attorney general. The contact said she was going to talk to her supervisor. When she came back she said they would give me all $240 back if I sent in the original 8 disk program. I feel better that I am getting money back but I am out the $12.22 it cost me to send back the one set. Buyer beware and look for all the hidden contracts. When you first log on to look at the $9.99 off a very long sale spiel comes on.

Company: PimsleurApproach
Country: USA
Address: 2811
Phone: 187780205283
Site: pimsleurapproach.com
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Pimsleur Approach
Stroll Apparently signed me up for language program I did not agree on

H&R Block
Ripoff corrupt disc H.R. Block

Hard Disk Warranty

Ordered from website I thought was reliable. Was given to me from Family friend. Disk not complete

Pimsleur Approach
Stroll Unauthorized charges on credit card 3 months after returning product

EBay User ID Sunnysidedogs
Selling fake DVDs RIPOFF Internet

Pimsleur Approach INTERNET RIPOFF

PimsleurApproach.com forced me to buy a product I did not want with deceptive billing costs

Best Buy
Poor customer service

This Was Thru Grant Master Program Rewardmemore