Government Grant Processing Center

Education & Science

This company called me and said that I won $8,000 from the federal government because I pay taxes. They recorded my conversation with them and they asked me for all my bank info because they said there was a charge of $257.00 for the processing fee and they would take it out on oct. 29th.

After they got all the info they needed they gave me their # but they said it so fast that I couldn't understand it. After talking to my husband about it the next day I changed all my information at the bank and everything that I can think of. I just don't want these people to do this to anyone else and I hope they get caught. Thank you

homercity, Pennsylvania

Company: Government Grant Processing Center
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.o Box 480128
Phone: 8005304282
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Government Grant Processing Center

Federal Government Grant Processing Center

Federal Grant Processing Center - Government Grant Processing Center
Government Grant Processing Center/Federal Grant Processing Center At it again trying to get my checking account number, so that they could rip me off didn't work "Allegedlly" St. Petersburg I

Government Grant Processing Center
Tried to rip me off. Thankful for a website like this who exposes scam artist like these ripoffs

Government Grant Processing Center
Ripoff Wow, it seems like everyone is trying to rip you off these days! Saint Petersberg

Federal Government Grant Processing Center

Government Grant Processing Center - Government Grant Information Center
Rip-off! They wanted checking account information, promise of $8000 if I paid $257

Government Grant Processing Center
Ripoff scam

Government Grant Processing Center
Ripoff -man and woman with Indian accent pretend to work as government grant processing unit ripoff people for $257.00 I gave them all my banking info!

Government Grant Processing Center