Best Personalised Books
Ripoff Bad Business Practice

Education & Science

I researched all aspects of this business; spoke with several "existing" members. Everyone said that the product was a quality system, resources virtually unlimited. No sales needed. Support and training unmatched. None of these promised things matured. I have had nothing but bad service, poor merchandise quality, and no return calls when I aired my concerns. I want out, and my money returned.

Company: Best Personalised Books
Country: USA
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Best Personalised Books Franchises
Ripoff cover your a

General Books LLC
Poor product quality and questionable business methods

Best Personalised Books
Information process delivered ripoff All Cities

Best Personalised Books
Ripoff Lousy Franchise They advertise in the internet but do not come through After You Send Them Money They Disapear Hom

Max, Hong Li, HID4u on eBay with other aliases. DANGER: HID4u, Xentec (on eBay) Montery Park, didn't ship agreed product, won't pick up Phone or return calls or emails

World Traders Association
Ripoff ripped off and scammed, training sucked, no support las vegas

Dominos Pizza
Poor quality

Simply Audiobooks

ADS Enterprise/QC Unlimited
ADS Enterprise, QC Unlimited Poor Customer Service, Terrible Quality of Product, Lies Were Told, Uneventful Conversations Ripoff

I returned the encyclopedia set UNOPENED at my cost they are still charging me for it! Fraudulent rip-off City