American Poets Society
Ripoff liars, theives & cons!

Education & Science

I ordered 3 anthologies from this company after being told i won their contest. This was back in march.

I sent them a nasty email through their submit poem form, & received a phone call stating the books were late, & would be sent out in august.

It is now october 7 & i haven't heard from then again. I want my $120 back! I have 4 kids to raise & my husband just lost his job! Please help me!

wooster, Ohio

Company: American Poets Society
Country: USA
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Maggie Whitford - American Poets Society
Maggie whitford for american poets society ripoff dishonest fraudulent company

Famous Poets Society
This company violated the source of my poetry, my heart and soul, with promises never delivered

American Poets Society
Ripoff Paid For Book I did not recieve

American Poets Society - Gem Printing -
American Poets Society, Inc Aka Gem Printing Aka INTERNET FRAUD - SCAM - RIP-OFF! Dishonest!

American Poets Society
Ms. Teresa G. Simpson Internet Poetry Fraud Gave this woman and company over forty dollars for a poetry book, which my submitted poem was to be included in. Never heard another word, nor the poetry book promised! Ripoff

International Society Of Poets
Ripoff Poetry Convention and Symposium Very Suspect and Anti-Climactic

American Poets Society
Ripoff, Charged for products never delivered

International Society of Poets
Consumer Report

American Poets Society
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing

American Poets Society