Illinois Center For Broadcasting
ICB— ALL Campuses They have a great idea, but really just take your money because it`s easier than putting the real work in

Education & Science

Hi all, Instead of typing SCAM in big caps and start playing the blame game I going to give you what I wish somebody told me while I was thinking of attending ICB (I went and graduated)

Get a carrer in broadcasting in just 12 short months! Sounds like a dream scenario. It would be great if ICB actually put the work and knowledge into making it work, which by the way, is very doable. I`ll start off by telling you that I went their to pursue a job in SPORTS broadcasting. Heck, after all I watch enough of them and they have SO many connections at ESPN and The Score. Well, we covered sports for one day.

Yep, thats all, just one day and it was a one minute update. That gets you ready?!?! Now, don`t get me wrong, they do make a very valuable point of stressing over and over and over, that if one wants to succeed, they have to keep pursing their own knowledge and experience because the truth is, they wont do it enough for you.

So, after the one day of sports update I thought maybe a play-by-play course, or how to conduct interviews, or just, more sports. Moving on... I want to stress that at ANY school if someone wants to put their whole life on hold (making money to live counts too) to make it, they will, according to them.

My favorite was the "dont burn bridges" because they did not want anybody talking crap about the school they would hold that over your head, geez that got old.

Look, dont go the easy route, go to a real 4 year school and soak it all in. It`s a great industry and I have had a lot of leads. Just dont let them fool you in being ready to rock into the industry when they dont put the effort themselves.

Company: Illinois Center For Broadcasting
Country: USA
Address: 530 S. State St
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Illinois Center For Broadcasting
Scam scam scam! Beware!

Connecticut School Of Broadcasting
Rip Off. Podcasting is better way to start broadcasting caree

N. Y Public School
Sports Physical?

ESPN Fantasy Sports
Is A Sham They Lie In Thier Rules Index & Legal Restrictions rip-off Bristol

Sanford Brown Institute
Lies and Scams and Falsely Mislead

Play To Win Sports
A management job that I had to pay $1920.00 to get!

Connecticut School of Broadcasting Westbury
I went over there. I had ten teachers. Five were great and the other five were not. I have an AA Degree in Brodcasting. I worked at WNEW AM and FM in New York. I wanted to get back in broadcasting They were a curse instead of a blessing

Am-Sports Aka Empireshoeteam, Paul Jackson
Am-Sports Aka Empireshoeteam, Paul Jackson ripoff, ordered from them paid money in full item was never shipped nor were emails answered

Dish Network
Cheated me out of the programming they promised to deliver and then charged me an early termination fee for not wanting to settle for their watered down programming

T.K.O. Sports advertising and production
False Advertisement