CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff This Company took $79.95 out of my account after I cancel the free trial

Education & Science

I requested the free credit report. I canceled the service within 30 days. I went to check my account online, a habbit of mine. I was shocked to find out CIC took out $79.95. I told the bank it was not authorized. They told me the best way to take care of this would be to call CIC. I want my hard earn money back!!!

This Company should refound everybody or be put out of business

New Orleans, Louisiana

Company: CIC Credit Monitoring
Country: USA
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CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff, These people should be put out of business

CIC Credit Expert
Ripoff, Total Scam Irvine California

CIC Credit Monitoring SVC
Ripoff claims to give free credit report for free trial credit monitoring

Consumer Credit Monitoring
Ripoff Dishonest advertising

Itoring - CIC Credit Monitoring - Consumerinfo
CIC Credit Monitoring ripoff fraudulent billing, liars, dishonest, take advantage of honest people, Consumerinfo

Identity Guard
Identity Guard Credit Monitoring Lies, Lies, Lies

CIC Credit Monitoring ripoff scam con artists charged 79.95 to our checking acct for a free credit report

CIC Credit Monitoring

CIC Credit Monitoring Services
Unauthorized Debits From My Account Ripoff

Credit Monitoring Service ripoff Internet Worldwide