ITT Technical Institute Warrensville
Itt tech waste of money Internet

Education & Science

This school is a fraud and a scam. Thier financial aid people lie just to get your money. Anyone can get in! It's impossible to get a job afterwards cause noone wants to hire with an itt degree. Then if there are good jobs its only with a certain few companies. Plus, thier financial people lie and say that i can bankruptcy my loands but i wasnt allowed to do that.

The school only has a few good techers, the rest are only there for the money, and the ones that are there that are good aint gonna be there long. The chairs are only as good as the butt they sittin on, most of em havent done nothin but sit around pickin their noses.

The dean aint never there and he lied. We was supposed to get steaks cooked by him, but he went and had someone other guy do it cause he ain't never showed up.

Most the students got records or some kind, and it aint safe for my girl to be there neither.

Company: ITT Technical Institute Warrensville
Country: USA
Address: 4700 Richmond Road
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Ex Employee

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ITT Technical Institute

ITT Technical Institute
ITT This "school" has revolked diplomas, allowed valedictorian to buy his award

ITT Technical Inst. (indy) 011
ITT Technical Inst., (indy, 011 No Education Just a Big Bill For Nothing