Ripoff - bogus charges for services never requested or received

Education & Science

I was revieweing my itemized phone bill in May (it was unusually high) and I found a charge of $71.82 from a company called Integretel. I called my local phone carrier who in turn gave me an e-mail address and phone number to contact them directly. I was also informed that I had 30 days to dipute the charges.

I called Integretel to find out what these charges were for as nothing was notated on the actual phone bill. I spoke to a customer service person who informed me that a internet computer down-load was accessed and we were charged so much $ per minute.

I told her I didn't think we had down-loaded any kind of program but that I would check with my husband and call back. I coulnd't imagine any program he could have down-loaded especially taking almost 1/2 hour. I went through the Browser History for that date (even the day before and after) and there was nothing.

I am disputing these charges with my local telephone carrier - I refuse to pay them and support a company who slams customers with fabricated fees and charges.

We need to put a stop to these kind of companies who have the ability and resources to place ficticious charges on the telephone bills of hard-working innocent citizens.

Company: Integretel
Country: USA
Phone: 8007367500
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Integretel Inc
Integretel ripoff Internet

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Integretel, Inc
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