Bath Fitter Jet Liner LLC
Sloppy workmanship, didn't deliver what was promised, 4 service calls without results, Now ignoring my calls

Education & Science

Bath Fitter advertises in their literature that a one piece wall system is custom formed and can be installed over existing tiled walls. Our shower was installed in two pieces and has calking in the corners. The calking is discoloring. The acrylic shower floor does not adhere to the surface. It is sloped and dangerous. I am an elderly man and almost fell. I firmly believe I am being ignored because of my age. It appears that the only solution would be to rip the whole thing out and start over.

Company: Bath Fitter Jet Liner LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Meyers
Address: 6170 Mid Metro Drive Ft. Meyers Fl. 33912
Phone: 8772284348
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Bath Fitter
Our mistake

Bath Fitter
Unprofessional workmanship is definitely not worth the $6,000 price tag

Bath Fitter
Bath fitters' installers produce crappy work after four trys

Bath Fitter
Ripoff Crooked Tub Lousy Illigal Plumbing Decptive Business Practices

Bath Fitter
Terrible service

Bath Fitter
Bathfitter Of Clearwater, installation Rip-off problems with broken water pipes deceptive company

Bath Fitters - DETROIT WEST
Bath Fitters - DETROIT WEST Rip OFF

Bath Fitters
Shower doors

Bath Fitter
Telephone harassment. Rip-off! They keep calling despite the fact that I repeatedly told them and e-mailed them to put us on there do not call list

Ripoff: Bad service. Bad installation job. Wont call back