National Small Business Alliance
Did not refund my money after cancellation of service

Education & Science

Enrolled in program on March 29. Was told they would bill me for the balance of the membership fee in 20 days. Billed instead in 10 days.

On April 15, I cancelled my membership. Was sent an email message to return the membership package to California address which I did. Sent membership package via certified mail with the USPS.

Been waiting ever since. Called organization but only get voicemail. I was told refund takes 30 days from date of receipt. Working on 60 days right now.

Company: National Small Business Alliance
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 300
Phone: 2026614764
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National Small Business Alliance
Liars and cheats get your money and can never be reached afterwards. Washington, DC Districe of Columbia

National Small Business Alliance
NSBA ripoff failed to refund $l49.95 It has now been 120 days and still no refund no returned calls and hours waiting on the phone while nobody is answering

National Small Business Alliance
National small business alliance is a ripoff and fraud!

National Small Business Alliance
Ripoff, stole over $350, won't return my money, won't return my calls

National Small Business Alliance
NSBA Unauthorized debiting of $359.40 from my Business Account!

National Small Business Alliance
Ripoff fraudulent billing

National Small Business Alliance

National Small Business Alliance
Withdrawal of funds before "30 free trial" and no refund!

National Small Business Alliance, NSBA
National Small Business Alliance, NSBA, ripoff nationwide

National Small Business Alliance
They ripped me off for $99