Innovative Wealth Group
Quest International - Drsm ripoff dishonest, lies, destructive advice Email

Education & Science

I was swarmed with emails from the innovative wealth group after I entered my email address on the internet for credit repair help. The emails came every day and from different people in the company. I continued to use spam blocker on them but they would just change their email. They would use re: lines like 'just wanted to say hi', or 'how are you', or 'It's Rick'.

But one day I made the mistake of openning one. They said they could get rid off all my credit card debt withour consolidation, without bankruptcy and it was totally legal. So I called.

The gal on the phone mentioned that the credit card companies illegally use our names to get money from the Federal Reseve. They use our signature to open an account for the amount of the credit line and then go to the Federal Reserve Bank and use our credit line as the 10% holdback requirement and 10 times our credit line in cash to invest. She said this all illegal and if we send them letters we can start a papertrail that eventually would end up in arbitration and we would win because the banks know what they are doing is fraud. End of story.

$45,000 in outstanding credit vanishes and she also said the banks are required to report the credit reporting agencies that our contract was paid in full and our credit would be restored. Then she said it would cost me only $2500 and did I have any credit left so I could pay for it right now. I asked her what the money was for and she said it was for an informational seminar to help me learn about the banking industry and money. And for a counselor who would help me with the letters and monitor my progress. She said the results were quaranteed by DRSM (Debt Relief Servies Marketing). When I told her I had no more credit she had the NERVE to ask me to liquidate my IRA or 401K. That's right! She wanted me to take the money out of my Retirement Account to pay her for this bogus program. She never mentioned that taking that money out would cost me 10% and all the taxes that were deferred.

So if I followed her advice I would have been in trouble with the IRS too. LOOK OUT FOR THIS PEOPLE! They will be emailing you soon and they won't stop because they know their story will convince even the shrewdest person because if you are in bigtime credit trouble you WANT to believe them that you don't really owe the bank the money you charged, and the banks are conspiring against you, and that the banks have to clear up your credit.

So look at what they offer: For a measley $2500 you get a perfect credit rating, zero balances on all you outstanding credit (up to $25,000), all your creditors will legally have to stop contacting you and all your credit problems will go away! ALL THIS FOR $2500 and 2 letters to each bank or creditor. Like I said, who wouldn't want to believe that. Watch out!

Company: Innovative Wealth Group
Country: USA
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