Nternational School Heiligenhaus - Ursula Mock
I INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL GERMANY does not pay wages, bullying, threats, mismangement, deportation, human trafficing, extortation, teacher exploitation, labour dispute, ministry of education investigation, ministry of finance investiga Heiligenhaus

Education & Science

Over the past 4 years the International School Heiligenhaus has been known to recruit teachers from English speaking countries with promises of stable employment. Many teachers from England, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand has fallen prey to the human and labour exploitation of it's school director
Ursua Mock.

Dr. Ursula Mock operates a chain of schools in Germany called the following: International School Heiligenhaus, International School Bochum and her newly opened school International School Germany. This school has a past history of contacting and targeting teachers from England, USA, Canada, etc with a false job offer and upon teachers arrival they quickly learn they are underpaid, exploitated and some cases human trafficked into Germany illegialy For the safety of female teaching staff it is imperative they are aware of this school practices and decline this school so called job offer.

Company: Nternational School Heiligenhaus - Ursula Mock
Country: USA
Address: Am Sportfeld 1-5
Site: internationalschoolschoolheiligenhaus.com
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ITT Technical Schools
ITT not worth the cost

Sanford Brown Institute
Dont waste your money this school is a scam!

Antelope valley career academe
School closed down

SeaCoast career school
Schhol is a rip off teachers are not qualified or educaated to teach inthis feild, no jobs after finishing courses and not enough prep to take tests for certifications, complete rip off!

Crescent Prep High School, The Virtual Home School, Dana Williams
Crescent Prep High School Or The Virtual Home School Dana Williams Rips Off Teachers by not paying them for working, Overland Park, Davie

Consolidated School of Business
CSB Bad experience

Substitute Teachers Unlimited, Inc
Bounced My Paycheck

Sago Palm School / Derlyn Roberts
Orperating a school with no certified teachers, lights, phone, water gets turned off ceo has a crime record all AA degrees are false getting money from mckay grant and using the money for her life style

CCI Training
False advertisement, false promises, unqualified teachers

Eagle's Aerie - American Leadership Schools
Our son lost one entire year because the director lied about the accreditation of this school ripoff