ECMC Credit management
Educational Credit management Doubled amount I owed them. I am not working and cannot pay them., Minnesota

Education & Science

I only owed them about 2,000 ballpark. They doubled it to almost 5,000. I am not working and do not have any money to pay them. I've paid them enough over the years for a worthless school that was a fraud.

Company: ECMC Credit management
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: St. Paul
Address: PO Box 64909
Phone: 8007807997
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Educational Credit Management Corporation When I consolidated my loans they dubbled my principal

ECMC Educational Credit Management Corporation
Educational Credit Management Corporation ECMC attempts to commit a pre-amble for fraud on old student loans

ECMC Educational Credit Management Corporation
Stole My Federal Tax Returns For The Last 13yrs After sending Letters that the Loan was PAID

Educational Credit Management Corporation
N/A ECMC, are robbing Senior Citizen's, such as myself

Educational Credit Management Corporation Ripping me off with absurd interest rates and ignoring money paid

Educational Credit Management Corporation
Richard Boyle, Aaron, Debbie, and Vice President Deb Rude and Diane Zitur The Situation was resoveled in regards to my report # 737158 against Educational Credit Management Corporation

ECMC Educational Credit Management Corporation
Educational Credit Management Corporation HELP! (ECMC) has double the Interest on my Student Loan." What a Rip-off". I need (GREAT RELEASE) from this Evil Company., Internet

Educational Credit Management Corporation
ECMC sent threatening letter stating I defaulted on student loan even though I paid it off completely 20 years ago

Educational Credit Management Corporation
ECMC IN school on Deferment unit 2017 but sending letter to family telling them I am in default

ECMC Educational Credit Management Corporation
ECMC, I wish I could turn $10,000 into $25,000 that quick... WOW! Amazing!