BankSource - Alexander & Rita Kaplan
BankSource ripoff Alexander & Rita Kaplan committed bank fraud

Education & Science

I purchased my house with an Agreement for Deed from Alexander Kaplan and his wife Rita. I gave them a check in the amount pf $9,488.00. This was not recorded because he told me not to worry, that we owned the house. I paid him for 2 years when I decided to get a mortgage. That is when we found out that took a second mortgage on my house. I could not get that loan because that 2nd mortgage had to paid off first. He promised that he would. I ended up suing him over this. I have no idea if he ever pays the first and second mortgage. I am in limbo with this house that I love.

He has threatned me with foreclosure. He never credited me with the money that I paid him at all, so I stopped paying him.

I need someone to help me. He has committed bank fraud, and he gets away with it. I have called the VA and explained all this to them. No one will help us. Maybe someone out there reading RIP OFF can help me find other victims.

Company: BankSource - Alexander & Rita Kaplan
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Palm Harbor
Address: P.O. Box 2429
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