ECMC: Educational Credit Management Corporation
St. Paul, MN Richard Boyle, Deb Rude, Aaron? ECMC treated me with disrespect and stole my federal income tax without my notice worth $2,149.00 and never help me to get out of debt but did everything to trick me into staying in debt. I asked fo

Education & Science

I have been with this company for three years trying to get my student federal loans out of debt. However, this company has treated me with disrespect and never tried to get me a resolutions to help me out of debt but only kept me in debt by staying on this twenty dollars a month plan and saying that was the only option I had because of my income as I am not working and I am in school fulltime going to an online college called Ashworth and I am taking Criminal Justice as my degree. And my husband is a maintenance tech.

So our income is very limited. The company would never offer any forebearance or any other alternatives but to keep paying the twenty dollars. They told me after nine months of paying this twenty dollars I would be eligable for a forebearance plan. But somehow that never did come around. I never skip any payment. However, the company complained that I did and that I never gave them a proper address or would let them know where I was.

Company: ECMC: Educational Credit Management Corporation
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Paul
Address: P.O. Box 75906
Phone: 8007807997
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Educational Credit Management Corporation
Richard Boyle, Aaron, Debbie, and Vice President Deb Rude and Diane Zitur The Situation was resoveled in regards to my report # 737158 against Educational Credit Management Corporation

Do Not do business with this company

Educational Credit Management Corporation
ECMC sent threatening letter stating I defaulted on student loan even though I paid it off completely 20 years ago

Educational Credit Management Corporation Ripping me off with absurd interest rates and ignoring money paid

Educational Credit Management Corporation
ECMC stole our federal income tax refund, though my student loan was paid in full in 2006!

Educational Credit Management Corp
US Department of Education ECMC is ripping off students by taking money for student loans paid off long ago

Educational Credit Management Corporation Tacketeer practices... Loves applying eveyrthing to internet so they can kept you in debt FOREVER!

ECMC Educational Credit Management Corporation
Educational Credit Management Corporation ECMC attempts to commit a pre-amble for fraud on old student loans

ECMC Educational Credit Management Corporation
Educational Credit Management Corporation HELP! (ECMC) has double the Interest on my Student Loan." What a Rip-off". I need (GREAT RELEASE) from this Evil Company., Internet

Educational Credit Management Corporation
ECMC Stole my tax refund while I was already on a payment plan WTF