International Library Of Poetry
Aka International Socitey Of Poets I feel foolish. My Experience falling for a Stupid Scam. MaryLand Worldwide

Education & Science

I can't help but feel humiliated. I remember when I first entered and a letter came back saying I was a finalist and that I had won the "Editors Choice Award." Everyone else who fell for this scam, ripoff, LOAD OF CRAP whatever you call it probably felt the same way on hearing they were a finalist, I know I was happy enough to buy the book. It's depressing to know I didn't get an honest opinion on my work. I knew something was up when they said I was nominated for poet of the year and kept trying to sell me stuff. Now I know it's a scam I hope my report prevent others from falling into the same trap.
Guess I am just a sucker from Down Under!!! I have learnt to be more careful in the future!!!
ROT IN HELL and when you wipe your butt with everyones money, remember the faith you destroyed.


Company: International Library Of Poetry
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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