Cosmetology Schools
Cosmetology School Scams

Education & Science

Please be familiar with the absurd guidelines that Cosmetology colleges have and also the quality of instruction is bad. When you have not been attached around with a cosmetology schoolyet, save your self and visit a community school where you'll spend much less and obtain exactly the same or even better instruction. You will find five common haircuts and really should it charge as much as $25,000.00, based on which college you contact. Aveda Institute in Chapel Hill, NC costs $22,000.00 for tuition. I had been declined instruction like a pupil at Aveda and also the college was therefore over-crowded, the pupils hardly had proceed to transfer with no space to place their materials. It had been just like a cattledrive at Aveda. I submitted a study towards the NC state panel of cosmetology, the accreditors for AVeda is NACCAS and that I submitted a together, documented Aveda towards the Division of Training and Workplace of Inspector General, published congress, senate, Better Business Institution along with a lawyer to document a civil suit.

I want as many folks which have been harmed by AVeda or any cosmetology college to begin a-class action suit. This really is virtually the only path to actually pursue these scammers. Contact me at

Company: Cosmetology Schools
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Chapel Hill
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Aveda Institute
Ad experience

Aveda Institute
Unfair termination



They are just another greedy company trying to masquerade as an ethical company

Trouble with Salons

Aveda Does Not Care

Golden Shears Aveda Salon Fooled by the Hype

Aveda Institute
Unfairly terminated me and charged me 100% tuition

Empire Beauty School (pittsburgh, pa)
Empire beauty school, pittsburgh, eeg inc. Empire beauty "school" former employee speaks about the truth!