Reservation Rewards
Fandango Unauthorized membership and charge to credit card ripoff

Education & Science

I found a strange 9 dollar charge to my account. I had a phone number, searched online and found out it was Reservation Rewards. Called them and said I was not very happy, I continued to request a removal of member ship and reimbursement of my 9 dollars. I was also informed it was that entered me into membership with them. I will never do business with Fandango again.

Bent, Arkansas

Company: Reservation Rewards
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Shelton
Address: 6 Corporate Drive, Suite 450
Phone: 8886885995
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Fandango - WLI Reservation Rewards
Fandango And WLI Reservation Rewards Signed me up with another company without my knowledge Other company took money out of my checking account

Fandango, Reservation Rewards
Fandango - Reservation Rewards Unauthorized credit card charge of $12

WLI Reservation Rewards - Fandango
Fandango and WLI Reservation Rewards $9 Monthly Fee Charged to my Credit Card without my knowledge. Rip-off!

Fandango - WLI Reservation Reward

WLI Reservation Rewards /
WLI Reservation Rewards ripoff deceptive company

WLI Reservation Rewards & Fandango
Ripoff Internet

WLI Reservations Rewards
Got my credit card number off of Fandango and charged me every month. Ripoff!

WFI Reservation Rewards -
Unauthorized credit card charge

Reservations Reward Ripoff $12 per month from my bank account

WLI Reservation Rewards