EquiCredit - Fairbanks Capital/US Bank National Association
EquiCredit Fairbanks Capital US Bank National Association Predatory Lending & Foreclosure Practices Des Moines, Iowa

Education & Science

Subject: EquiCredit/Fairbanks Capital/US Bank National Association

I too have very similar complaints to those I have read. I got a mortgage from EquiCredit — they did not honor all of the loan checks when one check was inadvertently misplaced and found after it was void. Foreclosure was filed on meDecember 1999 by US Bank National Association in the Iowa District Court for Polk County saying that US Bank National Assn had purchased my contract. The suit was dismissed and I started getting servicing calls from Fairbanks Capital. Fairbanks refuses to even give me any information as to what it would take to buy back my mortgage. It scares me to think of all the penalties and interest and you name it charges they have added to the
original note.

I ended up leaving my home in late 2000 due to high utilities and discovering people trying to pick my door locks to get in
to "weatherize" per the direction of EquiCredit (according to one person I caught trying to pick the lock) while I was still living there.in 2001 a place called Vitalizers P.P., Inc. Out of Merritt Island, Florida did enter and winterize my home.

I have had my back door lock broken out and replaced with no notification so I believe they have a key to my house that I don't have so I have had to literally nail the door shut in an attempt to keep them out, part of my personal possessions have been taken, and I have been afraid to enter as I never know what to expect.

US Bank National Association has again filed foreclosure in August. I plan to move back into the house until the outcome in court as I have filed counterclaims.

I contacted CCI via e-mail in Des Moines, Iowa and was told the person I needed to contact was out of town and they would have them contact me but they have never contacted me back yet so I am anxious to hear from them.

Any suggestions would be most welcome as I am representing myself pro se.

Company: EquiCredit - Fairbanks Capital/US Bank National Association
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: Des Moines, Iowa
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