College America-Colorado Springs, CO
College America - Poor education standards, poor managment practices

Education & Science

I am a current student and a former employee. I was let go by the Executive Director over misguided information. I was yelled at several times and repeatedly had my job threatened over tasks that I was asked to do. Rozann Krunstle the director does not investigate properly before she makes rash decisions. I was accused of the to commit fraud against my bank, in which she used my personal information to gain access to my bank account to start an inquiry. I never received any written warnings about my work performance. I worked for the school about a month shy of a year. I was told that if I said anything to anyone that I would be suspended from school and not allowed to return. The school is very dishonest about what you are taught. The director has told many instructors that they are required to rush through materials because of work loads. Students have had courses added to their programs without notifying them of changes. If any student complains, they are marked as absent even when they are in class. No one student or employee of the school should ever have to worry about their schooling or their job because of the person in control.

Company: College America-Colorado Springs, CO
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: 3645 Citadel Dr. So
Phone: 7196223600
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Deception, Lies and Broken Promises... This School Cannot be Trusted

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