Ashworth College / Pcdi
Information/Credit Scam

Education & Science

I was looking online for online Colleges just to broaden my knowledge of different subjects. I am retired and only work 3 days a week so I decided to look into online colleges, Ashworth came up when I did the online search so I decided to e-mail them on their WEB site for information and paid $35.00 thinking it would be applied to the first payment. About a week or so later I received and pamplet describing the course and the total cost, it was a lot more than I could ever imagine for one single college course (over $700). I contacted my local community college and that very same course was $35.00 minus of course books.

Well since I did not want to continue the course and actually took the same course at my local college, thinking I never signed up for any course I did not bother to even contact them. Bear in mind, the only think that I have recieved from the institution was an information pamplet, no Syllabus, Course Requirments, not even an instructor name/contact. So I get this call about several months later telling me I have defaulted on the loan, what loan? I never received any course materal or confirmation of being enrolled. I get this call saying I owed them $700.00 for what? I didn't recieve course I didn't even talk to anyone from the college until they called me asking for the $700.00.

I find out later that even if I had completed this course it was not even accredited, nor would I been able to get a job if I had wanted one. I think that ". Edu should not be allowed for this institution since it is miss leading and deceptive making people believe it is an institution of higher learning.

Company: Ashworth College / Pcdi
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: 420 Technology Parkway
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Ashworth College / Pcdi / James Madison High School
ASHWORTH COLLEGE, PCDI, JAMES MADISON HIGH SCHOOL I had signed up for PCDI then I got put into ASHWORTH COLLEGE and I thought every thing was ok but then? THANKS TO THIS SITE! I just saved myself from getting ripped off!

Ashworth College
PCDI - Professional Career Development Institute Credits Non-Transferrable to other Colleges Universities ripoff

Asworth College
Ripoff, fake online education services ashworth college 'PCDI'

Ashworth College
Ashworth College is a waste of money

PCDI Ashworth College
PCDI, Ashworth College ripoff false misreprentation

Ashworth College
University, PCDI Don't do it. Ripoff

Ashworth College - Ashworth University - PCDI
PCDI Does not have degrees, ONLY DIPLOMAS

Ashworth College
Refused t

Ashworth College

PCDI Ashworth Universtiy
Paying for something that is not worth the paper it is printed on