Tyronne Johnson At Technical School Of Medicine
Technical School of Medicine / Universal Medical Exposure ripoff. No job placement as promised, refusing to give us diplomas and then they harrassed us for tuition payments

Education & Science

I signed a contract one the first day that I started into the Technical School of Medicine, which was for myself. The school only had one original copy of the contract, which I did not receive a copy off.

I was told that the school will give the students some type of job placement assistance once we graduate but they only had certain students that they placed in positions.

I owe a balance of approximately $5,000 dollars left for my daughter and myself. Approximately $7,000.00 dollars I have already paid, but there is still a balance that I am still trying to pay off while trying to find a position as an Ultrasound Tech.

Neither my daughter nor I ever signed a contract with the school for my daughter. He charged $6,000.00 dollars per person which is $12,000.00 dollars.

Well, once we approached our last day of school which was March 22, I was told by Tyronne Johnson the Owner of both school and Greggory Murphy his Instructor who is the overseer of hiring Teacher Assistants and Teachers, his (Partner in Crime). That he was not going to hire me after boasting the last several months of school and that he was not going to give me job placement so that I can continue to pay my debt off to the school, as well of not giving me my Diploma nor my daughter Diploma.

Tyronne Johnson the owner of both schools had Greggory Murphy the Instructor to call my home and ask if my daughter Christina can work for the school for eight hours a day on Thursdays for $50.00 dollars and on Saturdays for 8-hours for $50.00 dollars making approximately $400.00 dollars a month. This was the verbal agreement. Neither Tyronne Johnson nor Greggory Murphy never gave me this agreement in writing.

Christina, my daughter, is 17-years old and started working over at The Technical School of Medicine on Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and the same hours on Saturdays working with Sandy, another student Greggory Murphy hired right out of school, to teach on Saturdays.

Christina worked for Tyronne Johnson and Greggory Murphy for approximately one month, when Greggory Murphy stated to her on Thursday 6/23/03, that Tyronne Johnson was not going to pay her her entire $400.00 dollars because her mother still owed a balance and that he was going to take $200.00 dollars from her paycheck to pay off the bill that I owe.

I pay each month what I can send in. It is not my daughter's responsibility to pay on the balance. I signed the contract only for me not for my daughter. My daughter Christina should have never been in the program because she was only 16-years old when I entered her into the program.

Tyronne Johnson decided to take the $200.00 dollars out of Christina's Check. When my daughter told him that she could not work from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm on Thursdays. Isn't there some type of child labor law against working a teenager that many hours in one day?

Tyronne Johnson wanted my daughter to work on Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and then pick up at 6:00 pm the same day until 10:00 pm. That would total approximately 12 hour work day, and when she told him that she could not do that, he then stated that he was going to deduct $200.00 dollars out of her pay check.

So, I told my daughter not to got back over there to work at the Technical School of Medicine located at 1100 W. Lake street in Oak Park. He never gave her her paycheck.

Actually Christina should have never been taking into to the school so young knowing that she was not going to be hired until she is 18-years old and then to have him take her $400.00 dollars check that she worked for. I was told that the month amount for the Teacher Assistant at this school was $800.00 dollars. Tyronne Johnson cheated Christina out of an additional $400.00 dollars along with her $400.00 dollars he never paid her.

I ran into another student that graduated before us and she told me that the school was a rip off as well. They never helped place her in a position, but they help other students get jobs. This is a ripp off. They will not help me get a job placement but he constantly harrass me for his monthly payments knowing that we need jobs to be able to pay him off.

Greggory Murphy the Instructor that hired Christina on, told Christina that he was trying to add on some more classes for Christina to teach in, so that she could make a little bit more money and Tyronne told Greggory Murphy no, do not add any more classes for Christina so that she can not make anymore money, so then how can Christina pay on her balance if he does not want to give her a class to add on to help pay on her balance.

Tyronne Johnson split my bill (Gloria) and Christina bill unto two separate bills when I was the only one that signed the contract. It only is suppose to be one bill and that bill is going directly to me.

This school has ripp off some many other student and even some now for money. Because, they are taking our money and not helping us to find job without our Diplomas because we still owe him.

Westchester, Illinois

Company: Tyronne Johnson At Technical School Of Medicine
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Technical School Of Medicine/ Universal Medical Exposure
Address: Technical School Of Medicine, Inc
Phone: 8774576487
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