FNF Construction, Inc
Honesty and helping prevent a forged check really pays Tempe AZ

Education & Science

I received a check for $25,250 written on this company and deposited it into my checking account. Because I was not sure that the check was legimate, I contacted the company by email and then contacted the local police and the FBI. I received an email from FNF Construction asking me to send them a fax copy of the check.

Next day they told me it was a forged check. I proceeded working with the FBI (about two weeks) helping about almost daily with calls or visits supplying emails and information.

I contacted FNF Construction to be reimbursed for my fax costs and the check return fees, and also asked for a letter stating how I helped if I had any credit information or other legal problems.

FNF Construction completely ignored my requests. They never returned my emails or sent me the letter I requested. I guess doing the honest thing and probably saving them lots of additional costs from a forged check is not appreciated by FNF Construction.

Frankly, I feel their message to me is being honest and trying to help will only cost an individual and that people should all fend for themselves.

To add insult to injury, I am unemployed and could ill afford the time I spent away from job hunting, but I did because it was the right thing to do. The money was trivial, probably about $40 to $50, but when you don't have any money coming in that is also a hard slap in the face.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Company: FNF Construction, Inc
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 115 South 48th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281
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