Tel Trust
Ripoff fraud business, cashed check, didn't deliver promised opportunity, failed to respond to follow up letter, then sent another opportuniy!

Education & Science

I wished that I had looked here first. This company ripped me off. Iam a disabled person, trying to get by on the 1.3% raise that the Bush administration gave me as a cost of living raise.

I take 9 prescriptions per day and had thought I might be able to help out a bit with the cost. My husband works 6 days a week to make ends meet. Tel Trust not only took my money, but my self-worth (I'm an intelligent person who now feels really worthless). I often feel like a waste of resources, Tel Trust is proving to confirm that.

I really needed that thirty dollars. The froasting on the cake came 4 weeks after the first "opportunity" was presented to me, when I received another "opportuniy" much like the fisrt one!

Company: Tel Trust
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 1007 N. Fed. Hwy., #299
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Nationwide CS
Inc Fraudulent Ripoff Business Preys on Those in Need

Fields Trust Corporation
Promotions division, Prize and and Award Presentaon signed by Frankie Fernandez saying I have won #120,000

Standard Trust Co., Standard Trust, PCH, Publishers Clearing House
Standard Trust Co - Standard Trust - PCH - Publishers Clearing House IDENTITY FRAUD COMPLAINT. is not standard trust of las vegas

Wis International Research Center
Fraudulent check

D E S Tel Trust, Distributor Enterprises
D E S ripoff Tel Trust changed their name and are trying again

Desperate Housewife Services
Agency is a scam. Lied to get a $400 deposit & cashed check without finding me a nanny!

Lifeline Estate Services Inc
Little or no support after initial Trust was completed. No records of the Trust Documents were kept by the company. I was informed that if I did not have the " Trust Documents" I did not have a Trust

Gibson Trust
Gibson Trust Ripoff Dishonest Fraudulent Billing fraud business

Jerry Collins
Do not trust... Forgery checks

Tel. Trust
TELTRUST fraudulent business opportunity ripped me off for registration fee deceptive company