University Of Phoenix
I was dropped after my first class and billed almost $1200 dollars, after being approved for financial aid

Education & Science

I should have known especially after my landlord told me he had a bad feeling about this school.
I was interested in furthering my education and decided to talk with a few universities. The university of Phoenix was very persistent and managed to enroll me and get me cleared for financial aid and a student loan from wells fargo in one week. They notified me one day before classes began and urged me to start the following day. After about two weeks in school, they notified me that the Selective Service could not recover records of my registration. They told me if the Selective Service could not provide record of registration, to have them submit a status letter and everything would be fine. They submitted the letter to me and it stated that the final decision would be up to the university which had claimed this would be all they needed. About two weeks after, the university asked me to ask the Selective Service to provide information to verify whether they tried to contact me regarding registration. I had explained profusely that I registered in high-school when I registered to vote. Over the phone the Selective Service Representative confirmed that it was very possible that it could have been misplaced because, there was no record of them trying to contact me, and I had lived at the same address for over ten years after high-school. I had explained to the university that the Selective Service had been receiving such a high volume of calls, until they were not accepting any calls that allowed me to speak to a representative. My Financial Counselor and I tried to no avail to get through for the following two weeks. During this period they disqualified my financial aid and the student loan despite my financial counselor requests for an answer to why they wouldn't accept the Status letter which contained the same information they had approved in other cases. Needless to say they are now harassing me for almost $1200 dollars for attending five classes.." That's five weeks. One day a week to write six essays about some unimportant nonsense"!!!
I am looking for a lawyer and I am interested in making it known by whatever means necessary to exploit this crooked university.

Company: University Of Phoenix
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Baton Rouge
Address: 2431 S. Acadian Thwy
Phone: 2259274443
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