General Revenue Corp
I need help! A possible rip off may be on the way

Education & Science

I received a letter from the General Revenue Corp regarding a student loan I have with Sallie Mae. They are claiming to garnish my checks if I dont contact them, I am confused. I happen to look up this agency online, and found the rip offs website and saw all the complaints about them.

Can someone please contact me regarding this. I have no clue what to do. Feel free to email or call me at 314-606-1600. I do not want to be another victim. With the economy the way that it is, I cannot handle a garnishment or being ripped off by them if they are going to set me up with some type of payment plan.

Company: General Revenue Corp
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinatti
Address: 11501 Northlake Drive
Phone: 18663245191
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General Revenue CorpSallie Mae Loans
General Revenue Corp - Sallie Mae Loans General Revenue Corp is the collection agency for Sallie Mae Loan Servicing Sallie Mae General Revenue Corp the most unethical, unscrupulous, lawbreakers

Sallie-Mae General Revenue Corp
Sallie mae - general revenue corp - loan scam cincinnati ohio

General Revenue Corproation
General Revenue Corporation Georgia Higher Ed Assit Corp I send $500.00 every month. They will never acknowledge the paments. They send me a notice every month that they are going to garnish my wages. They took my income tax check

Sallie Mae Servicing, General Revenue
Ripoff I believe I have been paying off someone elses student loans

G.R. C - Grc - General Revenue Corp - General Revenue Corporation
Collections for Sallie Mae who instead of trying to help me out, they get cruel and insulting

General revenue corporation
Sallie mae GRC and Sallie mae refused to acknowledge my payment and stole my tax return

General revenue corporation
Sallie mae harrassing phone calls. Threatening ex in laws. Calling at all hours day and night

General Revenue Corporation, Sallie Mae, United Student Aid Funds, Inc
Wage Garnishment after making the required payments on time

General Revenue Corp or GRC

General Revenue Corporation, Sallie Mae, United Student Aid Funds, Inc
From what I've read on here, I'm getting scammed as well... Help?